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leave a legacy.
Build One.

Our purpose is not to simply provide advice to the people we serve; we exist to provide solutions.

Fixed Income Sales & Trading

The objective of the NBCS Fixed Income Desk is simple: A customer driven approach to best execution. As NBC Securities does not have the same overhead as a large wire house, we work on tighter margins to provide our clients with the best execution possible. The NBC Securities Fixed Income Desk has more than 60 years in combined experience in the sales and trading of fixed income securities. Through the NBCS Fixed Income Desk, we connect our clients to a unique pool of trading relationships across the industry that has been developed over many years. We also service the fixed income execution needs for small to medium-sized broker dealers that do not have their own in-house fixed income trading capabilities.

Fixed Income Sales & Trading Team


Director Fixed Income Trading & NBCSAM Fixed Income Portfolio Manager

Dreams are important.
Aspirations are what help make goals reality.

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Corporate, Agency, US Government Bonds​

The NBC Fixed Income Desk offers a wide variety of Taxable Bonds in all maturities including; Investment grade and High Yield Corporate Bonds, Government Agency (GNMA, FNMA, FHLMC, FHLB, FFC, etc), US Treasury Bonds, and Agency MBS/CMOs.

Tax Free Bonds​

The NBC Fixed Income Desk offers a wide variety of Tax Free Municipal bonds in all maturities. We have experience in the taxation requirements of customers throughout the entire United States and can build custom portfolios to meet the needs of individuals needing tax free income.

Structured Products​

The NBC Fixed Income Desk specializes in the sale and building of calendar and custom Structured Product offerings. In addition to providing access these products, we help our advisors and their customers with in depth training on these products which can sometimes be complex but offer unique opportunities to participate in other market areas while invested in a fixed income product.

NBC BondPoint System​

The NBC Fixed Income Desk utilizes the services of the ICE BondPoint system as our front-end order management system. This connects our advisors and their customers to a unique pool of more than 3 million daily fixed income offerings from more than 500 dealers on the street. The system also allows our advisors to build custom, client releasable ladders and portfolios. All system orders are routed to the NBC Fixed Income Desk for execution, ensuring that every order receives the best possible execution.

Portfolio Solutions​

The NBC Fixed Income Desk offers a wide array of portfolio solutions for our advisors and their clients. Our goal is to do whatever we can to help our advisors grow their Fixed Income business. We build and customize portfolio solutions in a client releasable format tailored to your individual client’s needs.

Sales Ideas​

Our traders our always searching the Fixed Income markets for pockets of value. We consistently send sales ideas to our advisors to help guide them to this value. We also hold an inventory that allows our advisors to work offerings that are the inventory of NBC, giving us an ability to service our advisors and their clients in a way that many other similar sized broker dealers simply cannot do.

Institutional Client Solutions​

The NBC Fixed Income Desk has considerable experience in the handling of institutional clients and the settlement of their trades. In addition to holding our own book of institutional clients, we also service the trading and back-office functions of our advisors and their institutional clients. We understand that these relationships can be delicate and complex, and always handle these clients with the sensitivity required for successful transactions.

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